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Tea breakfast
Interesting / Tea recipes / Useful information

How to Prepare Tea

For a glass of 200 ml. only 2 grams of tea (about 1 teaspoon) is needed; for a can of 1l. – 1 tablespoon tea.

Green tea

If you want to prepare the drink properly and it really does show miraculous qualities, never pour the tea with boiling water. The high temperature will destroy the vitamins and worsen the taste of the tea. Allow the boiling water to stand for 5 to 6 minutes to cool down and then pour the tea. And if you want to make the most of its usefulness, forget about sugar and milk.
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Vietnam Green Tea
Green tea / Tea types / Useful information

Green Tea

Since green tea is dried without fermentation, its tanning substances are completely preserved, as well as vitamins B, E, C (anti-rhinitis); fluorine (for healthy teeth); manganese (against osteoporosis); up to 1% caffeine (for mental alertness). Green Tea helps to remove heavy metals from the human body. It is also highly recommended to smokers, because it helps to gradually remove the accumulated harmful substances. Read more

Tansania Usambara Oolong Tea


Oolong, green and black tea are a product of one plant – “Camellia sinensis”. The main difference is in the tea manufacturing process – black tea is fully fermented, green tea is not fermented and oolong is partially fermented. Read more

sri lanka tea plantation
Tea types / Useful information

Types of Tea

Black, green and white tea are prepared from the tea plant (Camellia sinensis).

The tea leaves are carefully selected and left to ferment naturally. For the three types of tea, different parts of the plant are selected at different times of the year and left to ferment for a different period of time.
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